1. Our general terms and conditions are exclusively valid, even if they are in contradiction with those adopted by our customers. The placing of an order implies acceptance of these conditions.
2. Quotations and price offers are based on the current values of wages and materials. If these change, we reserve the right to adjust our prices accordingly.
3. In the event of cancellation of the order, the purchaser shall be liable to pay a flat-rate compensation of 10% of the order value.
4. Delivery times are only given for information purposes and are not binding on the seller. Delays in delivery do not entitle the buyer to compensation or to terminate the agreement.
5. The goods are always sent at the buyer's risk and it is the buyer's responsibility to immediately notify the carrier of any reservations in the event that a parcel arrives in damaged packaging. The transport costs shall be borne by the buyer, unless otherwise agreed.
6. Our obligation to provide a guarantee for defects in the goods does not extend to that of our suppliers. Any dispute concerning the nature or quality of our products can only commit us to their pure and simple replacement, after possible decision of an arbitrator to be designated by mutual agreement if such intervention is deemed necessary.
7. In order to be accepted, any complaint must be notified to us within 8 days of receipt of the goods and, in any event, before their use or resale.
8. We shall not be liable for any loss, damage or delay in delivery due to accidents, shortages of goods, strikes, lockouts or other cases of force majeure beyond our control. In such cases, we reserve the right to cancel the agreement without any compensation being due.
9. Invoices of less than EUR 100.00 exclusive of VAT shall be subject to a flat-rate administration fee of EUR 10.00.
10. We reserve the right to consider the agreement as being terminated by operation of law, without prior notice of default, in the event of bankruptcy, judicial composition or even a legal change in the buyer, for whatever reason.
11. Any dispute relating to an invoice must reach us in writing within 8 days of the invoice date. The date and number of the invoice must be mentioned.
12. All our invoices are payable in the month of the invoice, unless otherwise agreed. In the event of non-payment of the invoice within the term, interest on arrears of 1.5% per month of the invoiced amount shall be due ipso jure and without prior notice of default. In addition to the interest, a fixed compensation of 12% of the total amount of the invoice or of the outstanding amount (with a minimum of EUR 25.00) shall automatically become due and payable without the need for a notice of default.
13. In the event of non-payment, we reserve the right to stop the deliveries. At the same time, we reserve the right to consider the agreement terminated by operation of law and without prior notice of default, for all or part of the agreement not yet executed.
14. The buyer shall not become the owner of the delivered goods until he has paid for them in full, and in any case he shall refuse to transfer them before he has paid for them. The seller is therefore entitled to take back the unpaid goods at any time without further ado. However, the risk shall pass to the buyer upon conclusion of the contract.
15. In case of dispute, the courts of the judicial district of Brussels shall have exclusive jurisdiction.